I recently heard that Ebay was soon to change their policies, in that sellers would no longer be able to give feedback. But there are other members on this forum that can give you a better idea. I don't think it's going to be worth very much considering its age. A lot has to do with whether the organ is a spinet or a full sized organ. While I know some things about some organs, the market value of your organ is another matter. What do you think it might be worth? Do you think eBay might be a good way to sell it? Mom tells me that all the keys and pedals are functional and it still has the original bench. It is wood color - about the color of maple wood. It is in great shape and even has a cassette tape recorder on it. It belonged to her mother so she is attached to it but she doesn't play so it needs to go to someone who will take care of it and use it. I don't have a clue as to what to tell her that it is worth but I told her I would do some checking around. My mom has a Wurlitzer Orbit II that she would like to sell. Sounds like you have a bit of knowledge about organs. Using a sawtooth wave, and a slightly slow attack on the filter, you might get a passable brass sound. IIRC it has a filter with a cutoff andbasic attack and decay envelope knobs. If you are going to try to do that, you should have a notebook where you can jot down the settings for your favorite sounds, so you can get back to them. If you play around with it you might come up with a few musically useful sounds. With it you can do some spacey sounds while you are playing. It was little more than a special effects toy that was a cute gimmick. The Orbit synth was very basic with very limited programmability and no patch storage. It came out at the time when Moog and Arp analog synthesizers were the "in" thing to have. Can anyone shed some light on what this is, approx how old it is. I recently came into possession of a Wurlitzer Orbit II Synthesizer and have been able to find very little information on it.